Fragnant bloom hamper
Fragnant bloom hamper
Fragnant bloom hamper
Fragnant bloom hamper
Fragnant bloom hamper
Fragnant bloom hamper
Fragnant bloom hamper
Fragnant bloom hamper

    Fragnant bloom hamper

    Rs. 1,950.00

      Let your Dad feel on top of the world by sending him this complete gift hamper by Tokenz.com. A Dad quotation Frame which is excellent addition for  home or office along with a box of Delicious chocolates and a conch shaped planter with a fragrant Mogra plant is an excellent choice for this Father's day to be special for both you and your dad. 

      ●Dad Appreciation Frame 6 x 6
      ●Garden Bakery Assorted Chocolate Box 10 pcs
      ●Mogra Plant with Shank Design Ceramic Pot