Khadi Hand Sanitizer 210 ml
Khadi Hand Sanitizer 210 ml
Khadi Hand Sanitizer 210 ml
Khadi Hand Sanitizer 210 ml

    Khadi Hand Sanitizer 210 ml

    Rs. 115.00
    Domestic Shipping
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    Domestic Shipping
    Dispatch: Within 24 Hours Delivery: Within 7-10 Days
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    Domestic Shipping
    Dispatch: Within 24 Hours Delivery: Within 3-5 Days
       Get this bottle of Khadi Hand Sanitizer to keep yourself protected from germs and infections. This ayurvedic preparation is made with aloevera, neem and lemon and gives your hands the extra safety they deserve. This natural disinfectant leaves your hands with a soothing fragrance after every use.