Inspired by daily life events this Madhubani painting depicts a cowherd who takes his cows for grazing. Filled with vivid colours and the intricate designs completing the canvas makes the...
Madhubani paintings are well known to depict the elements of nature in a very efficient manner. Peacock signifies beauty, grace and pride. A breathtaking colourful painting of four peacocks filled...
Peacocks are so enticing that their illustartions also do seem to be attractive enough to purchase and place them in our home. In this Madhubani painting we can see two...
An unique Madhubanit painting of four decorated elephant faces filled with radiant colours and leaves patterns completing the blank spaces gives an insight of the artist deep detailing of the...
Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and good luck. A beautiful painting demonstrating Goddess Lakshmi seated on an elephant and the canvas is filled with assymetric geometric patterns and...
A village themed Madhubani painting is illustrated in this piece of art. We can see two women in a colourful attire are carrying water pitcher as a part of their...
Lord Krishna the most loveable god amongst all genre was explicitly illustrated in all form of art. In this Madhubani painting too Lord Krishna the dark bodied with colourful robe...
Madhubani paintings is a traditional art since ancient India and its key elements are geometrical figures and vibrant colours. A standing pose of Lord Ganesha adorned in colorful robe and...
Cherish the Indian hertiage art through these Madhubani painting collections. Mithila paintings are known for their distinctive style and geometric patterns. In this painting we can see a demonstration of...
Madhubani paintings being the epitome of Indian heritage and culture and is well depicted in their paintings. Through this illustration we can see the bright Sun god with intense eyes...
Surya is primarily worshiped in Hindu tradition as it is a source of light and warmth. This exquisite piece of Madhubani art features the colorful Indian Sun God with vibrant...
Mythological characters were also one of the excerpts for Madhubani or Mithila paintings. We can see Lord Krishna seated on a tree playing his flute through this masterpiece of art....