Mithila Painting also known as Madhubani painting are also known for illustrating human figures, mythological characters and stories and many more. This memerizing painting of Lord Ganesha coloured with multicolours...
India has a plethora of art forms one of it being Madhubani. Fishes are considered to be a sign of prosperity in Madhubani paintings. These swirling fishes painted with earthly...
Madhubani paintings is one of the ancient forms of painting. This intricate painting of earthly creatures of both elements water and earth is depicted perfectly. The fine brush strokes and...
Painted in green and lavender with the royal animals in the border this procession painting is looking amazingly beautiful. The power and the pompous lifestyle of the King has been...
This painting would be loved by any person who appreciates folk art. The power of the king was expressed through paintings. These miniature paintings besides depicted the royal processions their...
This art shows the emperor riding on a fully decorated elephant and the guards are riding on horse which is also embellished with royal jewelery. Processions in Indian history were...
The splendor the kings were seen during these processions or ceremonies which happened in the public. Riding on a richly adorned swaddled elephants, horses or camels were a part of...
This art work has an enduring combination of colours and an unique border. Use of vibrant colours and fine brush work are the main features of miniature paintings. This art...
Eloquent use of colors and a solitary border compliments the painting and exhibits the luxurious ceremonies of the Mughal Empire. This art work captures the moments of the grandeur procession...
These arts are done in the form of Rajasthani Miniature painting. Through this art we can see the Emperor adorned in complete royal jewelery and clothes along with his imperial...
A beautiful Rajasthani miniature painting presenting the royal procession. Painting apprehends the pomp and show of the Emperor along with his attendants and other fellow men who are also bounteously...
Mughals always traded for those animals which would represent their pompous lifestyle. This miniature painting we can see white elephant, camel and horse. White is always considered posh and a...