Radha-Krishna is known to the world as the Epitome of Love. This painting of Krishna replicates a special bond between the duo with vibrant colours that mesmerize every individual. The...
The epitome of Love Radha-Krishna brought life to everything. The feelings between them are so divine that everything around changes with their heavenly presence. The flawlessly bordered phad painting shows...
Krishna’s mischievous stories are known to the world. This ethereal phad painting shows Krishna playing prank over Sakhis of Radha Rani by hiding her in his royal robe. All the...
Shri Krishna and Radha shared an extraordinaryl bond, best friends for a minute and enemies for the other. Krishna loved to prank Radha, this painting depicts one such scenario. Radha...
Adorn your wall with the beautiful dark-themed Krishna Raas Leela Phad Painting. Lord Krishna with his beloved Radha is dancing along with other Sakhis and Gopis. Krishna, like his joyful...
The most epic part of Mahabharata where Lord Krishna guides Arjuna on the battle field of Kurukshetra is well demonstrated through this inlay painting. Each rosewood is as unique as...
As per the Bible this painting of Jesus Christ with his disciples seated on the table is termed as the Last Supper. The inlay painting has created another spectacular art...
Mysore Rosewood Inlay paintings mainly draws its inspirations from rural life, nature, god, goddess, celebrations, etc. In this inlay painting the artist has impressively illustrated the rural life, their daily...
Inlay painting of Lord Ganesha looks majestic and each rosewood used to paint is very unique. Lord Ganesha is seen seated on a lotus flower adorned in jewels, with his...
An enchanting painting of dancing Radha and Krishna and done with Mysore Rosewood Inlay painting is absolutely stunning. This inlay painting showcases Radha and Krishna dancing to melodious tunes and...
Goddess Lakshmi considered the goddess of wealth and most worshipped amongst Hindus. Sculpted with differet inlays, the protrait of goddess lakshmi looks mesmerizing. The intricate pattern done on jewellery, the...
Lord Krishna and Radha are the epitome of love and well known for their ras-leela. Inspired by gods and goddess, this meticulous painting illustrates the enchanting feel of Radha and...