The beautiful pair of bhaiya bhabhi done in pearls, stone and red thread work will surely win hearts. The Rakhis have bunch of pearls, golden and red crystal beads along...
This Rakhi has a unique metal finish dial in round shape with a smart pattern made on it. The Rakhi has metallic look beads along with orange crystal beads, stone...
Make celebrations memorable with the set of two golden beads and stone work Rakhis. The Rakhis have crystal beads connected by tiny golden beads and decorated with red stone work...
This set of five Rakhis is done in the most ethnic patterns of elephants, turtles, metallic beads and pearls. The different shapes of metallic beads - round, flattened, conical, semi...
Make your celebrations special is this beautiful wooden and red beads Rakhi. The wooden beads are in different shapes followed by a line of red beads. The tiny golden beads...
For the celebration of the occasion is an Ethnic metal finish Elephant pattern Thread with a pair of Rudraksha on each side. The tiny metallic embellishments in between glitter perfectly...
Get this fascinating and beautiful pearls and red beads Rakhi for your brother. The centre has multi-strands of pearls, small transparent red beads and stones arranged in a pattern. The...
This Rakhi done in golden and red beads is a perfect combination of beauty and simplicity. The different sizes of golden beads with drop shaped red beads is extraordinary. The...
Exceptionally elegant is the set of 3 Rakhis in pearls, beads and stone work. The pearl, beads and crystals are arranged in amazing symmetry with stone work and embellishments done...
Make celebrations special with set of 3 traditional Wooden Beads and stone work Rakhis. The Rakhis have wooden beads arranged in symmetry with stone work and embellishments in between for...
Traditional set of two Om Rakhis with pearls, red beads, conical wooden beads and stone work. The double strand of white tiny beads and drop shaped golden beads all make...