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Why do We Celebrate Karwa Chauth?

by Sunil Digital on September 18, 2023


Karwa Chauth is an age-old Hindu festival celebrated predominantly in North India. This festival is a symbol of the strong bond between a husband and wife. On this day, married women fast from sunrise to moonrise, praying for the well -being and long life of their husbands. The festival is not just about fasting but also about love, devotion, and the celebration of marital bliss. In this article, we will delve into the significance, traditions, and history of Karwa Chauth.


Significance of Karwa Chauth

Praying for Longevity: The primary significance of Karwa  Chauth lies in the  belief that observing this fast will ensure the longevity of a woman's husband. It is a day when wives express their love and dedication to their husbands.

Strengthening the Bond:  Karwa  Chauth is not only a religious tradition but also a way to strengthen the emotional bond between husband and wife. It serves as a reminder of the care and commitment each spouse has for the other.

Community and Togetherness: Karwa Chauth is celebrated with great enthusiasm within communities. Women come together, exchange stories, and share their experiences while fasting. This sense of togetherness is an essential aspect of the festival.


Traditions Associated with Karwa Chauth

Fasting: Women begin their fast at sunrise and break it only after sighting the moon. This fast is strict, and women abstain from food and water throughout the day. The fast is broken after performing the evening rituals and sighting the moon, usually with the husband offering water and the first morsel of food to his wife.

Dressing Up: Women adorn themselves in bridal attire, wearing traditional outfits like sarees or lehengas. They also apply mehndi  (henna) on their hands and decorate themselves with jewelry.

Karwa Chauth Puja: In the afternoon, women gather together for the Karwa Chauth puja. A clay pot (karwa) filled with water is an essential part of this ritual. They offer prayers to Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva, and Lord Ganesha.

Sargi: A pre-dawn meal called sargi is consumed by married women before beginning their fast. This meal, prepared by their mothers-in-law, typically includes sweets, fruits, and savories.


History of Karwa Chauth

The origins of Karwa Chauth can be traced back to ancient Hindu scriptures and legends. One of the most famous stories associated with this festival is that of Queen Veervati. According to legend, Queen Veervati observed a strict fast on Karwa Chauth for the well-being of her husband. However, due to her weakness and thirst, she fainted. At this moment, Goddess Parvati appeared and explained the significance of the fast, granting her the strength to complete it successfully. This story has been passed down through generations and serves as a symbol of devotion and the strength of a woman's love.


Modern Relevance of Karwa Chauth

In contemporary times, Karwa Chauth has evolved while maintaining its core values. It is not just a religious festival but also a celebration of marital love and commitment. Many husbands also fast alongside their wives as a gesture of solidarity and appreciation for their sacrifices. Moreover, Karwa Chauth has found a place in popular culture, frequently appearing in Bollywood movies, making it known to a wider audience beyond its traditional regions.



Karwa Chauth is a beautiful and meaningful celebration that exemplifies the deep-rooted traditions and values in Indian culture. It is a testament to the enduring love and commitment between married couples. This festival, with its rituals and traditions, brings families and communities closer and serves as a reminder of the importance of love, devotion, and togetherness in our lives. Whether you observe Karwa Chauth for religious reasons or as a way to celebrate your relationship, it continues to hold a special place in the hearts of millions of people across India and beyond.


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